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Press releases

Carolin Treichl
Carolin Treichl

Executive Vice President Marketing & Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Sandra Bijelic
Sandra Bijelic

Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Press Material

Here you will find our current press photos and photos of the executive board in print quality as well as further download material and videos.

8. March 2021
Kapsch TrafficCom – Norway Starts Free-Flow Tolling In One Of World´s Deepest Undersea Tunnels.

Jönköping/Vienna. March 8, 2021 – The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen) assigned Kapsch TrafficCom (Kapsch) in October 2020 to deliver a new Multi-Lane Free-Flow (MLFF) tolling system at Ryfast, Norway. Only 13 weeks after the contract signature, the system with 6 tolling points went successfully into operation on February 1, 2021. The Ryfast sub-sea tunnel system runs from the city of Stavanger to the municipality of Strand. It is one of the longest and deepest undersea road tunnels in the world, with the Ryfylke tunnel of 14.3 kilometres length and 292 meters deep. After implementing the high performance system in record time of only 13 weeks, the Kapsch MLFF G3 tolling system is now in operation since the beginning of February. “While we have installed our systems at tunnels, bridges, cities and roadways all around the world, we are proud to be part of the Ryfast project. We are very happy that we have managed to implement a reliable and high-performing system in such a short time", says Mikael Hejel, responsible Area Sales Manager for the Nordic countries. The tolling system detects and identifies all passing vehicles with video technology, which classifies the vehicles and captures their front- and rear license plates. Through microwaves, the tolling system also detects and reads AutoPass toll tags, which are linked to the vehicle’s license plate number. The information captured by the tolling system is transmitted to a back-office for further processing and invocing of the vehicle owners. “Due to that a previous tolling system could not be set into operation, we had to retender a new tolling system and allocate a tight time schedule. In addition, given the current Covid situation and closed borders, it was a challenging task both for Statens vegvesen and Kapsch to comply with the schedule. Therefore we are very pleased with the open dialogue and the transparency we have had with Kapsch TrafficCom, something which enabled the extremely short implementation time of the new tolling system”, says Kristian Rognskog, Chief Engineer of AutoPASS/Bompeng systems at Statens vegvesen.

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16. February 2021
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first three quarters of 2020/21.

Ausgelaufene Großprojekte, COVID-19, Sondereffekte und interne Herausforderungen führten zu Umsatzrückgang und negativem EBIT.

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12. February 2021
Kapsch TrafficCom to supply the first multi-lane free-flow (MLFF) toll collection system in France for highway concessionaire APRR.

Kapsch TrafficCom was awarded a framework contract by APRR regarding the supply, implementation and technical operations of MLFF tolling systems.

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10. February 2021
Greece stops “unfair” tolling on the motorway.

Greece is the first country in the EU to operate an electronic toll system in which car drivers are only charged for actual kilometers driven on the motorway.

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18. January 2021
Kapsch TrafficCom Group was awarded the technical operation of Bulgaria’s toll systems.

Kapsch Traffic Solutions errichtete in Bulgarien das bestehende Pkw e-Vignettensystem und das elektronische Lkw-Mautsystem.

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11. January 2021
Kapsch TrafficCom – two major projects extended and an additional contract.

In Poland, Kapsch TrafficCom has also been awarded the provision of direct distribution services with regard to the new satellite-based toll system.

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18. December 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom has sold its interest in Q-Free ASA.

Kapsch TrafficCom hielt 15,4 % der Anteile an Q-Free ASA (Q-Free), einem norwegischen Anbieter für intelligente Verkehrssysteme.

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17. December 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom continues to strengthen footprint in Latin America.

Mautsysteme in Mexiko und Ecuador - erste Auslieferung von intelligenten Verkehrssystemen in Kolumbien.

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3. December 2020
Kapsch TrafficCom continues to expand tolling services in Europe via new partnership with Ford.

Tochterunternehmen tolltickets stellt Services für neue Marktplatz-Funktion von Ford bereit.

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