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Kapsch TrafficCom as an employer

If you want to go far, then you've come to the right place!

Working at Kapsch TrafficCom means developing innovative solutions for traffic and transportation every day in order to successfully shape the future. From a fresh start to individual development - you can shape your career at Kapsch TrafficCom with your personal ideas. We look forward to working with you on future-oriented solutions in the areas of toll collection, traffic management, intelligent urban mobility, traffic safety and connected vehicles. Together, we will design and develop systems for sustainable mobility - for the benefit of each individual and, above all, in pursuit of our declared goal of protecting our environment.

Kapsch TrafficCom as an employer

Kapsch TrafficCom takes its environmental responsibility very seriously. We are committed to creating innovative solutions for sustainable mobility. So that people can reach their destinations comfortably, on time, safely and with minimal environmental impact. This is what Kapsch TrafficCom stands for.

With respect, appreciation and transparency, we create a culture of freedom in which we live our values and promote diversity and acceptance in our international teams.

We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer worldwide and welcome all applications regardless of age, gender, religion/belief, sexual orientation and ethnic or national origin.

Your Future!

Kapsch is always on the lookout for bright, curious minds who want to help us shape the world of mobility today and tomorrow with their expertise and ideas. That's why there are so many ways to join us and stay one step ahead. Whether during your training, after graduation or with your professional experience - we offer you a wide range of opportunities, all driven by motivation and passion!

Our values

  • Responsibility

    We understand responsibility as acting in the interests of the company and its employees, bearing the consequences and taking initiative.

  • Transparency

    We understand transparency as being open in dealing with information, as well as the traceability of our decisions and actions in daily communication.

  • Respect

    We understand respect as the basis of our cooperation, mutual recognition of our achievements and the opinion of others.

  • Performance

    We understand performance as the result of the dedication and the success of each individual employee who contributes to achieving our common goals.

  • Freedom

    We understand freedom as using and designing a defined scope of action and developing this through personal engagement.

  • Family

    We understand family to be pulling all on the same rope, strengthening our bonds and supporting one another.

  • Dynamic

    We understand dynamic as our determination toward continuous change and willingness to achieve newly established goals.

  • Discipline

    We understand discipline as the adherence to rules which govern our living and working together and the commitment to our values.

Read more on our vision and mission

Off to a flying start –
Careers at Kapsch TrafficCom Group

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