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Business model:
Innovative traffic management 

Kapsch TrafficCom develops intelligent transportation systems (ITS) for sustainable mobility. Our aim is to enable road users to arrive at their destination conveniently, on time, safely, efficiently, and with minimal environmental impact.

Everything from a single source

from individual components to the operation of turnkey systems.

Kapsch TrafficCom offers solutions for the entire value chain: from components to the design and installation of systems, to their operation.

Development, production, and procurement of:
  • in-vehicle components
  • roadside equipment
  • traffic controllers
Implementation – from planning and design to the installation of systems and applications:

Kapsch TrafficCom acts as a system integrator. This means that Kapsch TrafficCom's own core technology is combined with services from subcontractors and partners as required. 

Good to know: After completion, the installations are transferred to the customer.

Operation of systems:
  • technical (monitoring, maintenance, and ongoing improvement)
  • commercial (focus on the end customer, design and construction of sales offices and call center services, design of web portals, implementation of payment systems)

Compensation is not based on the traffic volume.

Provision of services:

In Europe:

  • European Electronic Toll Service (EETS)
  • tolling services for passenger cars

In the USA:

  • app for the payment of tolls

In-house hardware and software production

Kapsch TrafficCom is a system integrator producing both hardware and software in-house.

The relevant market

The addressable market for Kapsch TrafficCom had a volume of EUR 6.4 billion in the financial year 2023/24. 
Until the financial year 2027/28, an average annual growth of 7.9 percent to EUR 8.7 billion is predicted.

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