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- Cooperation project with the FH …
Cooperation project with the FH Technikum Wien: Finger-and-Lip-Mouse

Cooperation with institutions and networks is an important component of apprentice training at Kapsch. For example, apprentices at Kapsch Components designed and implemented a redesign of the finger-and-lip mouse, or FLipMouse for short, in cooperation with the FH Technikum Wien as part of a project that lasted several months.
The FLipMouse is an electronic input device developed by the FH Technikum Wien, which enables people with limited mobility to operate computers. A control element is moved with the lips or fingers, which triggers mouse movements and other actions on the computer.
In order to simplify the construction of the device and to be able to use the FLipMouse more quickly, the apprentices designed a circuit board pre-assembled with SMD (Surface Mounted Devices) components as well as a suitable housing, which was manufactured with a 3D printer. In addition, a built-in WLAN and Bluetooth technology opens up completely new possibilities for interacting with the environment and controlling electronic devices directly via the FlipMouse.
At a closing ceremony of the project with all participants, the optimized FlipMouse was presented and handed over to the wife of a former Kapsch employee.